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Vorple für I6

Geschrieben um 19:10 am 19.11.2015 | Zitat | Editieren | Löschen
Baby Gumby
Beiträge: 1


(My apologies, but I don't speak German! But I have an announcement that might be of interest to you.)

Vorple, Juhana Leinonen's I7 library, is now available for Inform 6! Vorple allows you to use lots of effects: images (including GIFs), music, videos, hyperlinks, notifications, text effects, and much more with your own JavaScript scripts. You have to include the Vorple libraries, then compile your Z-machine game and open it with the Vorple interpreter, but it'll still look normal if you open it with an interpreter that doesn't support Vorple. There are a dozen examples included with the libraries.

I know there are a few I6 authors on this board, and I hope it's of interest to you! Let me know if you have any questions, and again, sorry for not speaking German :)

Geschrieben um 08:24 am 20.11.2015 | Zitat | Editieren | Löschen
Prof Gumby
Beiträge: 600

Cool, especially the graceful degradation aspect :)

Geschrieben um 21:42 am 20.11.2015 | Zitat | Editieren | Löschen
Retired Gumby
Beiträge: 734

Still awaiting web access/JS in Frotz or Glulxe;) -- Parchment only, I think, Vorple seems to deliver parser IF to a growing web-and-app community. Very interesting...

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